Self Harm – A Psychoanalytic Approach 2022

Self Harm – A Psychoanalytic Approach 2022

With Anna Santamouris – Psychodynamic Psychotherapist

A one-day workshop for counsellors and psychotherapists

Saturday 19th March 2022, 10.00am – 4.00pm

This workshop will look at suicide and other forms of self harm (cutting, eating disorders, addiction) and the unconscious forces that compel the individual to attack itself.

We will explore self harm as a defence to combat mood disorders (hopelessness, ambivalence, and pessimism) and or stressful times in people’s lives.

This workshop will be interactive, using role play and small group discussions to try and better understand the origins of suicidal wishes; the conflict between ego and superego and the presence of depression in certain pathological states associated with self harm.

We will consider splitting and projective identification as the mechanisms patients use to split good from bad in the internal world and then locating the bad in the body which is then destroyed.

We will also spend time trying to understand the feelings evoked in the therapist in sessions, the transference and counter transference, while working with this client group.

The workshop will combine presentation of psychoanalytic theory and in-depth client material to gain a greater understanding of self harm and how to work with it in the consulting room.

Please register your place. Please note this workshop has limited places.

Venue: Zoom (link will be sent)

Cost: £50.00 (£40.00 for concessions)

To register please email:

Full payment should be received by 4th March 2022

Race and Identity Experiential Workshop 2022

Race and Identity Experiential Workshop 2022

With Michelle Brown, Serena Kelly and Julian Smith

A one – day workshop for counsellors and psychotherapists

Saturday 2nd July 2022, 10.00am – 4.00pm

This workshop aims to develop understanding and effective practice of the impact for clients and the therapeutic process when exploring Race and Identity. The day will be facilitated via experiential group learning by exploring our own race and identity through guided activities and reflective discussion.  Participants will also have an opportunity to discuss their own experiences.

Please note that for 1st Year Diploma students this counts as one of their two annual compulsory workshops. There is no charge for those students

*Due to this workshop taking place in-person, also being a practical day, there is a limited number of spaces. Places will be allocated on first come basis. We will operate a waiting list accordingly thereafter. 

Venue: This is an in-person workshop. It will take place at a venue local to Enfield tba.

Cost: £50.00 (£40.00 for Registered Members of ECS)

To book Email:

Full payment should be received by 23rd June 2022

Breaks and Endings

Breaks and Endings

Liz Good – Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist

A one-day workshop for counsellors and psychotherapists

Saturday 14th May 2022, 10.00am – 4.00pm

The way in which practitioners work with endings is a fundamental component of good ethical practice. Drawing on psychoanalytic theory, this workshop aims to develop and enhance understanding of the visceral effects that breaks and endings almost always have on both patients and practitioners. 

This workshop is aimed at all practitioners but particularly recommended for trainees/qualified practitioners who are considering working in private practice.

Please note that for 2nd and 3rd Diploma students this counts as one of their two annual compulsory workshops. There is no charge for those students. Qualified counsellors are very welcome but must pay the fee below.

Interactive group discussion will be incorporated into this workshop.

Participants will also have an opportunity to discuss their own experiences.

Venue:  This will be an online workshop conducted on zoom

Cost: £50.00 (£40.00 for concessions)

To Book please email:

Full payment should be received by Friday 30th April 2022

Academic Writing Skills

Academic Writing Skills

Academic Writing Skills Workshop with Cameron Brown

A one-day workshop for counsellors in training

Saturday 5th February 2022, 10.00am – 3.00pm

Whether it’s your first essay or final assignment, planning and writing essays can be daunting for us all. This workshop aims to provide practical advice for training counsellors. Issues such as linking ideas, correct citation, procrastination as well as resourcing and presentation. Attendance to this workshop will help you to feel more confident with your written work.

Participants will also have an opportunity to discuss their own concerns or anxieties relating to written work.

Cameron Brown is a Psychodynamic Psychotherapist and a lecturer in counselling skills and psychotherapy at the College of Islington and North East London.

Venue:  Delivered via Zoom, a link will be sent on the day.

Cost: This is a free course and is aimed at year 1 and 2 Diploma training therapists. 

However, all are welcome. For non-trainees the cost is £50.00 (£40.00 for concessions) 

To book please email:

Please email Richard Green to register your interest on this course. Please note that if you are paying for this course, full payment MUST be received at ECS also the by 28th January 2022.

Race and Identity Experiential Workshop

Race and Identity Experiential Workshop

This workshop is presented by Michelle Brown & Serena Kelly

A one- day workshop for counsellors and psychotherapists

Saturday 3rd July 2021, 10.00am – 4.00pm

This workshop aims to develop understanding and effective practice of the impact for clients and the therapeutic process when exploring Race and Identity.

The day will be facilitated via experiential group learning by exploring our own race and identity through guided activities and reflective discussion.

*Due to this workshop taking place in person and it being a practical day there is a limited number of spaces. Places will be allocated on first come basis. We will operate a waiting list accordingly thereafter.

Participants will also have an opportunity to discuss their own experiences.


Venue:  ECS, St Paul’s Centre, 102A Church Street, Enfield, EN2 6PR

Cost: £50.00 (£40.00 for Registered Members of ECS )

To Book: 020 8367 2333   Email:

Full payment should be received by 1st June 2021

Addictions and Perversions

Addictions and Perversions

A one-day workshop for counsellors and psychotherapists

Clinical  Review

with Liz Good – Psychodynamic Psychotherapist

Saturday 13th February 2021, 10.00am – 4.00pm


Drawing on psychoanalytic theory this workshop aims to develop understanding and effective practice of the impact for clients and the therapeutic process of disordered and addictive behaviours.

Clinical examples will be given from various forms of addictions, such as, drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling, gaming, sex addictions, pornography and prostitution and recurring themes explored in detail.

There will be interactive discussions and case examples to explore working with this historically difficult client group.

Participants will also have an opportunity to discuss their own experiences.

There is no charge for diploma students*. Qualified counsellors are very welcome but must pay the fee below.


Venue: ECS, St Paul’s Centre, 102A Church Street, Enfield, EN2 6PR

Cost: £50.00 (£40.00 for Registered Members of ECS )

To Book: 020 8367 2333  Email:

Full payment should be received by 1st February 2021

* Subject to a maximum of two free workshops per academic year