This workshop will look at suicide and other forms of self harm (cutting, eating disorders, addiction) and the unconscious forces that compel the individual to attack itself.
We will explore self harm as a defence to combat mood disorders (hopelessness, ambivalence, and pessimism) and or stressful times in people’s lives.
This workshop will be interactive, using role play and small group discussions to try and better understand the origins of suicidal wishes; the conflict between ego and superego and the presence of depression in certain pathological states associated with self harm.
We will consider splitting and projective identification as the mechanisms patients use to split good from bad in the internal world and then locating the bad in the body which is then destroyed.
We will also spend time trying to understand the feelings evoked in the therapist in sessions, the transference and counter transference, while working with this client group.
The workshop will combine presentation of psychoanalytic theory and in-depth client material to gain a greater understanding of self harm and how to work with it in the consulting room.
Please register your place. Please note this workshop has limited places.
Venue: Zoom (link will be sent)
Cost: £50.00 (£40.00 for concessions)
To register please email:
Full payment should be received by 4th March 2022